
Our aim is to provide a working environment that respects the rights of each employee and where colleagues treat each other with respect. Any behaviour that undermines this aim is unacceptable.

We do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying under any circumstances. While implementing and upholding the policy is the duty of all of our managers, all employees have a responsibility not to behave in a way that could be offensive to others or to allow others to do so.

Principles and procedures

The following procedure sets out the standards of behaviour expected from all employees, inform employees about the type of behaviour that is unacceptable and provides employees who are the victims of harassment and bullying with a means of redress. We will not tolerate harassment or bullying of:

1️⃣ job applicants;

2️⃣ employees;

3️⃣ contractors;

4️⃣ agency workers;

5️⃣ the self-employed;

6️⃣ ex-employees.

This policy also applies to work related functions which are held outside of normal working hours, either on or off Company premises, such as Christmas parties, leaving celebrations, working lunches, etc.


Harassment is unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic (an area covered by discrimination legislation) which has the purpose of effect of violating an individual’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive working environment for them.

Harassment will also occur where a colleague is treated less favourably because he or she has rejected or refused to submit to sex-based harassment, sexual harassment or gender reassignment harassment.

Where it cannot be established that there was an intention to offend, conduct will only be regarded as violating a person's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment if, taking all the circumstances into account it would be reasonable to come to that conclusion.

People can be subjected to harassment on a wide variety of grounds.

Some examples are:

  1. sex-based (purely because of gender) or sexual (sexual in nature);